I’m an artist, designer and writer living in Vancouver, BC.
As a writer, I’m always looking for ways to weave together stories from disparate elements: snippets of personalities I’ve known, moments of tension, or moments of love and pain. The characters in my stories are inspired by real people, and in some cases, are thinly-veiled composites of multiple individuals.
There’s probably an element of “adrenalin junkie” behind some of my themes. When your early life is coloured by drama, upheaval or tragedy, stress and turmoil become defining benchmarks – sign posts that help you to recognize life.
My fiction tends to combine adventure, offbeat humour and intense drama. I enjoy placing working-class heroes into unlikely situations, and seeing how it transforms them and causes them to grow.
In my world and in the ones I create, people are measured by how well or how poorly they deal with adversity.
Growing Up
I was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in 1966, and raised on the West Coast of British Columbia. Until I was eleven, my family moved every year or two: Victoria, Langley, Victoria again, and a number of homes in Vancouver.
Vancouver is an amazing city with many different faces to show the world. It has been my home since about 1975. I think that each new home probably changed me and my family in small ways, and left an imprint on my identity. To this day, I value home, stability and routine, and yet feel restless unless I’m facing some sort of challenge.