Unit 4: Between Black and White
Continuing with my self-directed study of colour by following the telecourse Colour: An Introduction.
(Check out all my colour assignments here.)
Here are my notes from completing this unit of study:
Click image to view the gallery for this unit:
The goals for this particularly large unit of study were:
- mixing chromatic blacks, greys, and whites
- establishing a grey scale
- “breaking” a colour, by adding it complementary
My experiences while completing the assignments:
- Like the other units, I did this unit exclusively on my Playbook tablet. Even though the Colour course exercises demonstrate mixing the red, yellow, and blue subtractive primaries (e.g. oil pigments), I was actually dealing in RGB colour (additive, light).
- Using a paint program with a basic colour picker that had three sliders (one for Red, one for Green, and one for Blue), picking colours that successively changed from one primary to its complement were a challenge. Going from a saturated colour to a grey was much simpler.
- A very enjoyable unit, but I think I need to produce more work here – it seems too incomplete in terms of explorations.